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Thursday, August 3, 2017

God WANTS to Bless You with His Joy

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  You can expect your personal serving of joy today…it’s ready and waiting! 

            The term “self-fulfilling prophecy” was developed by Robert K. Merton, a twentieth century sociologist. The term refers to a belief or expectation which may influence the outcome of a situation or an individual’s behavior.  There are countless stories of young ones whose parents or other adults in their life repeatedly told them they would amount to nothing! When children are told often that they are worthless, stupid and ugly….they are tempted to believe it!  

                How important it is to hear about the love and faithfulness of God!  We can trust that He, indeed, has a plan for each of our lives.  No matter where we grew up or what kind of family we came from, we can expect great things from God! 

                Do you know that there are over 900 promises in God’s Word that talks about how He wants to bless His children? But if we don’t know what those promises are, how will we be able to claim them?  There are promises about health, provision, and peace, just to name a few.  Do you know of anyone who wants to be sick, poor, or agitated? People spend millions of dollars just to have health and peace in their lives.  Some folks spend a heap of money on lottery tickets, seeking to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; and how many fall for get-rich-quick schemes?!

Proverbs 28:20 declares: “A faithful man shall abound with blessings.”  Be faithful and be joyful!

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