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Thursday, August 10, 2017

Contend for the Faith

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Stand firm in your faith and always be ready to share the joy of the Lord boldly!

            The book of Jude is one of the shortest books in the Bible.  One chapter… 25 verses. But within the words of this passage, Jude gives a powerful message to us all.  He reminds Christians that we need to be vigilant---to keep strong in our faith and beware of false teaching. We must boldly share the truth of God’s Word and consider it a privilege to do so!

            Jude wrote, warning that “opposition would come and godless teachers would arise, but Christians should ‘contend for the faith’ (v 3) by rejecting all falsehood and immorality.   Everywhere we turn these days we find falsehood and immorality, wouldn’t you agree?  But we should stand firm in our faith and make Godly choices so that we are examples to those around us. If Christians don’t stand out as being different…then we are not ‘contending for the faith’! 

            My Life Application Study Bible footnote says: “Jude emphasizes the important relationship between correct doctrine and true faith.  The truth of the Bible must not be compromised, because it gives us the real facts about Jesus and salvation.  The Bible is inspired by God and should never be twisted or manipulated. When it is, we can become confused over right and wrong and lose sight of the only path that leads to eternal life”…and everlasting joy.

            Contend for the faith and stand firm in joyfully knowing the Truth of God’s Word.

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