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Monday, November 1, 2010

JOY Can Be Spelled F-A-M-I-L-Y

This weekend Papa Pat and I had the JOYful privilege of spending time with all our children and grandchildren. (Pictures on facebook!)  Oh, what JOY floods my heart and soul....just by being with them.  They are some of my most favorite people in the whole, wide world.  YOU know what I mean don't you?

As much we love our families, GOD LOVES US EVEN MORE!  Isn't that hard to comprehend?  How can He love us so unconditionally, so totally, so completely---when we've done nothing to earn that love?!  The only way I can even begin to wrap my little finite brain around that is to compare it to our children and grandchildren and the immense amount to love I have for them in my heart.  Even before birth I loved them; and now as they grow and develop, my love continues to grow for them with each passing day.  Our little grandbabies don't have to do one thing to earn my love.....the can just "be".  And that's how it is with God's love for you and me!  All we have to do it "BE" still and know that He is God and that He loves us so much that He gave His only Son to die for us!  WOW!  Now that's amazing love!!!!

Aren't we glad that we're a part of the "FAMILY" of God?  Let's spread the JOYful news of Jesus so that our family will continue to grow and that we'll BE able to enjoy spending eternity with our Father and one another. 

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