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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today's Serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Don't forget to drink your daily serving before you start your walk today!

God commands us to "walk" daily in His ways.  That means we are to obey Him.  To be obedient, we must read His Word to learn His instructions, commands and truths .  The Bible is the only instruction manual we need to get in shape spiritually.

Why does God want us to "walk the walk" and not just "talk the talk"?  Because He loves us and wants to bless our faithfulness and commitment to Him.  He wants to use us as His willing instruments to share the JOYful news.  Those of you who are parents know the JOY you feel when you see your children doing what you've taught them.  Sometimes don't you like to reward a child's obedience?  GOD DOES!

In Zachariah 3:7 we are told, "This is what the Lord Almighty says: If you will WALK in my ways and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house, and have charge of my courts and I will give you a place among standing."

In other words, God always has our best interest at heart.  And He desires to bless His children when we WALK in His ways!  Sooooo, go ahead and begin your stretching exercises!  We're going on a JOY WALK today!


  1. Mrs. Joyce, You are so full of great wisdom. I look forward to reading your precious words everyday. I wanted to tell you that when I got to work this morning I overheard several teachers talking asking each other if they had their "JOY juice this morning." You inspire so many every day. You are truly my inspiration. Have a great day!
    We are BLESSED and HIGHLY FAVORED on our walk today!! Thanks
    Love, Melissa

  2. My sweet Melissa! You will never know how much these words mean to me! Thank you for ALWAYS being such a source of encouragement to me!!!! "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you!" Indeed, I am blessed to have YOU in my life!
