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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

JOY in Sickness????

Yesterday we heard that our youngest grandbaby had strep throat!  Everytime he tried to swallow, he would cry!  His throat hurt so badly. And that's hard to understand when you're only 9 months old! THIS morning, we got a report that "sister" was sick!  Probably the same thing, but a worse case.  She was sick through the night with nausea and vomiting, as well as a high fever.  Poor children... and poor mommy & daddy!

My heart is heavy for them all and I so wish I could "fix" it  and "make it all better".  But the only thing I can do... is the BEST thing I can do: PRAY!  Isn't it such a comfort to know that God is always there to listen to our petitions and requests?!  He knows our needs and what our loved ones are going through so much better than we do!  And HE has it all under control!

THAT'S where the JOY comes in!  "The JOY of the Lord is our strength!"  Aren't we thankful for such a sweet relationship with Him?!  Yes, we CAN have JOY.......even in sickness!  IF we have Jesus as a personal friend!!!


  1. Sure hope those sweet babies get well soon. Like you, it breaks my heart when my sweeties are sick.

  2. It brings me much JOY to tell you that they are MUCH better today! Thanks for the prayers!
