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Monday, November 15, 2010

Turkey, Dressing and JOY!

Whew!  I just finished making the cornbread dressing for Thanksgiving and have it in the freezer!  What a relief to have that already done!  That was top of my "list of things to do today" I consider my day a productive one!

I don't know about you, but it takes me a while to put together "Mama's recipe" for dressing!  The list of ingredients is long and though my measurements are not always precise, they have to be somewhat "close" in order for the end product to be tasty.  If there's too much cornbread and not enough broth, it cooks up too compact and not fluffy enough.  If you don't put the right seasonings, it may taste bland.  I depend on Mama's recipe because it's "tried and true".  There is no telling how many pans of dressing she has made through the years.   We were discussing our dressing recipe this morning, before I began my quest to make it the best!   Mama reminded me not to put too much salt!  She said she did that one time and it ruined the whole batch.

Our Heavenly Father doesn't make those kinds of mistakes.  He cooks up all kinds of "recipes".  You and I were made from similar ingredients, but different amounts of this and that.  He didn't have to guess about what to use to make us....nor did He need to depend on someone else's recipe.  And regardless of what we think sometimes, He did not make any mistakes!  His "recipe" turned out exactly the way He intended.

So this Thanksgiving, when you eat your turkey and dressing, stop for a moment to thank the Lord for the recipe He used to make YOU.  You are a "delicious creation" and He wants you to share yourself with others.  Of course, He'd be delighted for you to serve up some JOY JUICE while you're at it!

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