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Monday, November 8, 2010

Gifts of JOY

Papa Pat and I got the news that "Toys R Us" was having a sale this weekend!  So, yep! You guessed it!  We decided this would be the IDEAL time to start our Christmas shopping! We struck out to the nearest "Toys R Us" hour and half drive....JOYfully making our list and giggling all the way!

We were EXTRA JOYful because we were planning on how to express our love to our four precious grandchildren.  We didn't begrudge the time out of our busy day, the long distance we had to travel, or even the money we were spending!  (Papa Pat, the CPA, was smiling when he pulled out his wallet! WOW!)

The reason we were able to JOYfully navigate through our shopping spree was because of one four letter word: L-O-V-E!  We love our four special "gifts from God" with every fiber of our hearts.  And we love to shower them with expressions of our love.

As I began to reflect on the enormity of our love for the grandkids, the Holy Spirit touched my heart!  Our love that we have for our families is just a thimble-full compared to HIS love for us!  Each day He goes to unimaginable lengths to "shop" for us by choosing the BEST things that will bring us JOY.  But how often we miss those expressions, those gifts of His love!  Some times we just take them for granted.  Other times we are so focused on other things that we don't "see" our blessings. Frequently we are simply self-absorbed and have an ungrateful attitude.

Let's put on the attitude of Christ; one of humility, servanthood, gratefulness and love!  Then we will recognize those beautiful gifts from God that are ours DAILY.  Don't you see that gift of JOY....just waiting to be unwrapped!?  It's YOURS!  Made especially for you and made with lots and lots of LOVE!

1 comment:

  1. Joyce, it was so good to see you the other day. I have been so busy I haven't gotten around to reading my favorite blogs for several days now. I too have been trying to do some Christmas shopping....on line! Granddaughter M. wants a particular Disney Princess Scooter and I'm trying desperately to track it down! I want her to have lots of "joy" on Christmas a.m. so I'm still hunting!
