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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sit Down, Be Still, Taste Joy

                Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  I know you’re really busy, but you won’t be sorry if you take a few minutes to drink in the JOY of the Lord!

          We all have countless duties and responsibilities to our families, our jobs, even our churches.  Often we are so busy doing good things, that we may miss God’s best.

                I love to use Priscilla Shirer’s words to explain this concept.  In her book, He Speaks to Me, she writes: “Maybe we need to cease some of our activity and hush the noise in our lives so that we can clearly discern what our Father wants to say.”  She refers to John 6 where Jesus fed the five thousand.  The people had listened to Jesus teach all day.  He realized that they were hungry.  In verse 10, Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.”

He distributed the food to those who were seated.  You see, until we “take a seat” and let go of our frantic activity, He will not fill us.  We often miss out on His blessings because we just won’t BE STILL! So… let’s sit down, my friend, and allow God to fill us.  He prepares fresh batches of joy for each of us…daily. 

Take a seat and drink your portion of Joy Juice!  When you are full of God’s joy, you’ll find it impossible not to pass it along to others!

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