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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

BE STILL....and Know Jesus and Know Joy

                Have you had your Joy Juice today? Stop whatever you’re doing right now and have yourself a generous serving!

 Psalm 46:10 tells us to “BE STILL….and know that I am God.”   Do you find it as difficult as I do to “BE STILL”!?  Even if our bodies are in “rest mode”, often our minds are still racing! We think about what we have to do NEXT….or pick up that cellular device and scan the latest posts!  Let's determine to be intentional about truly “being still” before God. It is an important part of our spiritual growth process.

                 An intimate relationship with God requires quiet time spent alone with God.  Church attendance is wonderful and certainly should be a part of every Christian’s life, but one-on-one time with Him is how we develop a deep, abiding relationship.

                Married folks, when you were dating your spouse, wouldn’t you make time together to get to know one another?  If you had not been intentional about spending time with one another, you may have never fallen in love.  

                I encourage you today to fall in love with Jesus. Be intentional about spending time with Him.   BE STILL….and know that He is God.  You’ll have that joyful glow about you that can only come from “being in love” with Jesus. 

 Stop long enough to have a nice refreshing drink of Joy Juice…..and spend time with the Giver of JOY today!

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