Have you had
your Joy Juice today? Drinking in the
joy of the Lord in a consistent and faithful manner leads to better emotional, spiritual
and in many cases, physical health.
Research proves that!
Stephen Stevens wrote (The Wounded Warrior): “Some
experts estimate that up to 80 per cent of health problems can be traced back
to one root cause—unforgiveness.”
In Denise George’s book Cultivating a Forgiving Heart we
find a lot of research on the effects of unforgiveness and bitterness. She says: “…problems associated with
unforgiveness include high blood pressure, insomnia,
stomachache, clinching and grinding of teeth, depression, stiff muscles, low
energy, anxiety, dizziness, headaches, deep sadness and so on.” Then she goes
on to tell us: “There is a tiny flower called a saxifrage, sometimes called a
‘rock-breaker’. It grows secretly in the
crevice of strong, solid rocks. It sends
down a tiny root in the soil around the rock. As that root begins to grow, it
becomes so strong and so powerful, it can literally crack the rock.”
Do you see the analogy here? “Given
enough time, the small root of bitterness in our own hearts can grow so strong
and so powerful, it can destroy our lives.”
May we ask God to help us replace the root of bitterness with the
fruit of joy!