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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Struggling to Find Joy?

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  There are those who struggle to experience joy. They push it away…and don’t even realize what they are doing!

            John Maxwell suggests that if we cannot find joy, it may be that we are suffering from one of the following maladies:

·         “Destination Disease”
·         “Someone Sickness”
·         “The Backward Blues”

Maxwell explains: “People with “Destination Disease” think thoughts like: ‘When we move to a larger house, when I get a new job, when I can buy a better car, when I get promoted, when I lose weight, when I retire—then I’ll be content.”

“Someone Sickness” is the belief that my unhappiness is caused by someone else who is or is not in my life. ‘When I get married; when the person I’m married to changes; when my child’s life is straightened out; when I get a different boss…..then I’ll be able to enjoy life.”

Those who suffer from “The Backward Blues” blame their unhappiness (lack of joy) on something that happened in the past. They keep looking backward, telling themselves, “IF ONLY…..”

      Do any of these “diseases” describe your situation? Are you struggling to find joy? Go to the Healer and ask the Giver of Joy to take away the negative focus in your life and replace it with His “indescribable, glorious joy”. (1 Peter 1:8)

      Have that chat with the Giver of Genuine Joy…TODAY!

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