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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Prepare the Banquet Table with Heapings of Joy

                Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Feast on it daily!

                Most often we think feasting is something that’s reserved for special occasions…like Thanksgiving or a wedding celebration.  But scripture refers to feasting in a different context.

                Look at the verse in Proverbs 15: 15: “All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast.”

Being in an oppressed state is not a fun place to be!  I’m sure we can all think of times when we felt oppressed.  One definition of oppression is: “To cause someone to feel distressed, anxious, or uncomfortable.”   We’ve all been there, done that, haven’t we?  If you’re having trouble thinking of a time….may I remind you of Hurricane Irma? 

                Even beyond the recent bad weather events, we find ourselves distressed about the challenges our country and communities are facing.  Sometimes it’s up close and personal, like family problems.  BUT our faith in God should be a source of strength and comfort.  Our trust in Him to carry us through the “oppression” and give us hope for better days should  put joy in our hearts.  As our verse for today reminds us: “…the cheerful heart has a continual feast.”

                Let’s pray for our families, our community, our country and all those who are oppressed. And let’s also remember to serve the Lord with gladness of heart and partake of His continual feast of JOY!

                Prepare the banquet table and always be ready to feast on the love and joy Jesus!

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