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Monday, February 28, 2011

T-Ball JOY

Papa Pat and I received a phone call Saturday afternoon from our "big boy" grandson, who is five years old.  He was excited because he'd just been to T-ball practice.  This was his first experience with playing with a team and he thought it was GREAT! 

When I asked him what he did, he responded: "Oh, GiGi!  I hit the ball, I catched the ball, I throwed the ball, I ran around the bases.  It was fun!"  A little later his mom informed me that when he said he "ran AROUND the bases", that's exactly what he did!  He ran AROUND third base...never touching it...and went straight for home plate!

So often I find myself running AROUND my problems.  Instead of stepping squarely on the challenge, I tend to avoid what needs to be faced.  And as in baseball, when I don't play by the "rules", I will find myself suffering consequences of not using Godly wisdom.  God has given us a "play book" called the Holy Bible.  If we will read and study, then when those close ballgames of life come our way, we'll know what our Coach has told us to do.  But it takes lots of practice!  So let's begin today.

Study the "playbook". Keep your eyes focused on the important things as you strive to swing like a champ!  Our Coach is willing and able to help us learn the rules.....and His desire is that we enJOY the game of life as we depend on HIM to give us the strength and wisdom to play it well.

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