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Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Saturday of JOY

I usually don't post on the weekends but....due to my JOYfully busy week with the grandkids, I didn't get to my computer very often over the past few days.  Sooo, today I've decided to try to get back "in the groove". 

A friend of mine was at my house this morning.  We are about the same age.  We had to laugh WITH one another that we can't physically do what we could even a few years ago.  We tire more easily; we've both gained a little weight; our stamina is not as strong.  We ARE growing older.  WHAT A BLESSING!

A blessing???????  YES, we can "count it all joy" when our backs ache after mopping the floor, because we are still ABLE to mop the floor.  And we have a nice floor to mop!  And we have a home with a floor to get dirty by big feet and little feet that track in.  Those "big feet" and "little feet" belong to those we love soooo much!

We can "rejoice always" when we find play dough under the table, along with crumbs which were obviously dropped this week by precious little grandbabies. I thank the Lord for those sweet little lives that have brought a whole new dimension to the word "LOVE".

We can "be joyful in all things" when we fall into bed at night, exhausted from the busy day.  Thank you God for the strength and ability to stay busy; thank you for a nice bed to snuggle into at the end of the day.  Thank you for a warm home and food in my tummy and a sweet, Godly husband lying beside me. Thank you for health.  Thank you for the blessing of sleep and then being refreshed in the morning so that we can get up and go again!

I could go on and on, but I think you get my point!  When we have JESUS in our heart and we focus on all that He has done and is doing for us, we can find JOY in everything!  Now.....go have yourself a JOYful Saturday!   See ya on Monday in blog-land!

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