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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Divine Appointment of JOY

Yesterday I was on my way to church for our Wednesday night service.  I began to feel a "tickle" in my throat and seemed to have a small cough, so I decided to pull into the parking lot of one of the drugstores.  I don't regularly use that particular drugstore, but just felt compelled to go to that one for some reason!  I'd grab a package of cough drops....then I'd be on my way to church.

When I pulled into the parking space that was available, I looked at the car parked right beside me and it was one of my SPECIAL friends!  She's on our EnJOY the Journey Conference Planning and Prayer team.  We saw each other at the exact same time and OF COURSE had to roll down our widows and chat a few minutes.  We were both excited about what God is doing to orchestrate and guide this upcoming conference...and we had sooo much to tell each other!  We were bubbling over with joy and talking at the same time...yet hearing every word that the other was sharing.

She'd just come out of the store and I was just arriving.  So I told her I was going to run in after my cough drops and I'd see her at church.  She agreed and turned her key in the ignition of her car......IT WOULDN'T CRANK!  She tried it again....just a clicking noise!  She looked at me....I looked at her....and we both realized that this had been a divine appointment for a number of reasons. 

You see, God knew what was about to happen.  He brought me at that VERY MOMENT to that VERY STORE in that VERY PARKING SPACE because He knew my friend needed a ride to church and someone to help her!  She had just minutes before encouraged me because of her enthusiasm and excitement regarding the conference.  It was "my turn" now to do whatever she needed me to do to make sure she was taken care of!

Now, I don't know about you, but I do NOT believe in coincidences!  I DO believe in DIVINE APPOINTMENTS.  Keep your eyes open today and tomorrow and the next......I can guarantee you'll begin to see more and more divine appointments of  JOY!

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