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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life is short....EnJOY it!

The brevity of life has been brought to my attention in a very real way the last few days.  As I attended the funeral of one of my church "sisters" yesterday, it seemed impossible that just one week before she was bouncing around our church, loving on everyone and sharing her words of encouragement.  She'd been in Sunday School, both morning and night services and even a meeting on Sunday afternoon.  Then just a few short hours later, she had a heart attack/stroke which ended her life within a matter of days.

And now, today, I'm getting ready to go to another funeral. This special friend was just a few years older than my husband and me. Pat and David grew up together, played ball together, were in Boy Scouts together. We raised our families together and had MANY fun times as we went through school, married and participated in so many of the same church activities, ball games and community events.  Our sons even roomed together in college; his wife and I taught school together & have been wonderful friends through the years.  He, too, had a heart attack Saturday night and went home to be with the Lord!

Life is SHORT!  Like the Bible says: It's like a mist, a vapor!  To me, that means we should take advantage of every day, every hour, every minute!  Do we take every opportunity to share the love of Christ?  Are we faithful to serve Him in every area of our lives?  We don't know when the Lord will call us home....but one thing's for sure: The time is closer than it's ever been.

I don't know about you, but I want to live my life on earth in such a way that when my time does come, the first words I want to hear when I walk through those pearly gates is "Well, done, my good and faithful (JOYFUL) servant! :)

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