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Monday, February 21, 2011

How long is your JOY list?

I just read a devotional this morning in which the writer talked about the fact that she was a "list maker"!  Oh, that's ME!  I make lists to go to the grocery store, lists of what I buy for each of my loved ones at Christmas, lists of things to do today, lists for those helping with projects....sometimes I even make lists of my lists! :)  You see, I've learned that if I don't make a list, I will FORGET something!

Do you think God has to make lists to keep up with all of us?  Nope!  Don't think so!  Our God is all-knowing; He knows everything!!!!!!!!!!  And has since before the beginning of time.  That's kinda hard to wrap your brain around, isn't it?  But, oh, such a wonderful truth!  Let it sink in for just a minute.  God knows your every need...even before you do.  You and I do NOT have to fret about anything.  He has us in His hand and in His plan!

So, instead of being anxious, let's just begin our JOY list today!
  1. I'm JOYful because Jesus is my Savior!
  2. I'm JOYful because God's in control of my life!
  3. I'm JOYful because He has blessed me with good health!
  4. I'm JOYful because I have a wonderful family!
  5. I'm JOYful because of my PRECIOUS grandchildren!
  6. I'm JOYful because of the upcoming EnJOY the Journey Ladies' Conference!
Come on, jump in anytime and start adding things to your JOY LIST!  "We've only just begun...."

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