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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

JOY Fires!

I joined the Forestry Department today....for a few minutes, anyway!  They were doing some burning on our farm due to my husband's request and I had to help! :)  My BIG responsibility was to strike the first match and set the grass on fire.  That's their new regulation these days.  The "land owner" must be the one who starts the fire; they will oversee the burning.

As I came back inside from my "forestry duty", I couldn't help but think that we should all be on a mission to strike the "match" of JOY in everyone's lives!  We're not responsible for everyone's fire, but we do have a loving duty to our Father to spread the warmth of His love and JOY. Look for opportunities to set someone's heart on fire.  It might be just a tiny flame at first, but with God breathing onto and into that person's heart, we just don't know what can be accomplished!

How many JOY FIRES have you set lately?  Let's all join God's Forestry Dept. and be willing to spread the burning desire to be HIS and be about HIS work!   May we all feel the warmth of His love and watch expectantly for the next door of opportunity to set a soul "ablaze" with His JOY!

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