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Monday, April 23, 2018

Joy is Found in Integrity

                Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Be a person of integrity and represent Jesus with joy! 

                Pastor David Jeremiah writes that “integrity is telling the truth to yourself. Honesty is telling the truth to others.”  Let that sink in….integrity is being truthful with YOURSELF and then doing the right thing.

                In 2012, a successful business woman and investor, Amy Rees Anderson, wrote an article for Forbes Magazine entitled “Success Will Come and Go, but Integrity Is Forever”.  She writes: 

                “We live in a world where integrity isn’t talked about nearly enough.  We live in a world where ‘the end justifies the means’ has become an acceptable school of thought for far too many. Sales people overpromise and under-deliver, all in the name of making their quota for the month. Applicants exaggerate in job interviews because they desperately need a job. CEOs overstate projected earnings because they don’t want the board of directors to replace them. Employees call in ‘sick’ because they don’t have any more paid time off when they actually just need to get their Christmas shopping done. The list could go on and on, and in each case the person committing the act of dishonesty tells themselves they had a perfectly valid reason why the end result justified their lack of integrity.” 

                We all can rationalize, make excuses and even deny (David Jeremiah says), but God knows the truth and we can’t fool him.

                Tell yourself the truth and experience the joy found in integrity.

(Much of this information came from David Jeremiah’s book A Life Beyond Amazing)

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