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Friday, June 7, 2013


          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Bounce on over to your Bible if you find yourself running short!

            This week we’ve talked about doing our spiritual laundry!  Though we don’t like to wear dirty clothes or have stains on our outer-wear, sometimes we forget to check our “inside” for sin dirt!  Just as we have to frequently wash our clothes, we need to often do an inspection of our heart.  When the grime of daily living is left unattended, the stains become deeper and darker.  BUT there is a simple remedy:  It’s called repentance!

            Each and every one of us is a sinner.  That’s why Jesus came, lived and died for us.  Nothing that we can do could pay our sin debt.  BUT praise God, Jesus has paid it all!  When you ask Him to remove the stain of sin from your life, you will be like a new creation---as 2 Corinthians 5:17 explains: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”  Doesn’t the make you want to bounce with JOY?!

            Let’s think about our laundry once more….When the dirty clothes go through the soapy wash cycle, are rinsed and spun, then it’s time to remove them and put them into the dryer.  I use a Bounce fabric softener sheet,  so that when the drying process is complete, our clothes will be soft and sweet smelling.  That’s what the JOY of Jesus does in our lives.  When we’ve asked Jesus into our hearts and He washes away our sin, we’ll find our words and deeds much softer, kinder, with a sweet aroma and filled with the JOY of the Lord. 

            Accept the cleansing power of Jesus and experience the abundance of JOY that will “bounce” into you and from you!

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