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Friday, June 21, 2013

Get Rid of the Weeds that Choke Out JOY

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Is your life packed so full that you can’t see the JOY Jesus wants you to have?

            Our minds are often crowded with thoughts, concerns, worries. Sometimes we are consumed with good plans; other times we are apprehensive and fearful. 

            When we are always “on the go”, running and racing and moving in fast motion,  we are not going to hear God. We experience the barrier of “busyness” which separates us from the will of God.  Be reminded that “busyness” is not always the same thing as being productive!  Rick Warren warns: “If you keep going, going, going but you aren’t spiritually growing, growing, growing, you are busy, not productive!”

            Jesus teaches us in Luke 8 that distractions are like weeds that grow in our  minds and hearts…just like weeds grow in a garden.  These weeds will keep us from hearing the voice of God in our lives.  Here are three weeds to be cautious of:

  1. Worries… The Greek word for worry means “pulled in different directions”. When we worry, we can’t hear God!
  2. Riches…We can be so consumed with making a living and accumulating material things, that we can’t hear God.  What is your priority?
  3. Pleasures…God gives us pleasures….and that’s great! But if we get so busy pursing PLEASURE rather than GOD, then we will not grow close to Him.  We will not recognize His voice.

      Be reminded that it takes no effort to grow weeds.  Weeds are a sign of neglect! Let’s focus on Jesus and be filled with JOY in relationship with Him.

1 comment:

  1. We need to be reminded of this every morning as we start a new day!
