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Monday, June 17, 2013

Listen with a JOY-filled Heart! GOD IS SPEAKING!

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Listening to God’s voice will bring special JOY to your heart!

              Do you believe that God speaks today…to each of us individually? Do you hear Him speak to YOU?

            We know that God speaks to each of us through His Word…the Bible.  But do you hear Him in other ways? In John 10:27 God says: “My sheep recognize my voice and follow me.”  The Lord is our Shepherd and we are his sheep.  If we profess to be a Christian, a child of God, then we should be listening for his “voice”….on a daily basis!

            Jon Walker writes that there are three reasons why it’s absolutely vital for us to be able to hear directly from God:

  1. It proves you’re in God’s family! Just as parents talk to each of their kids, God talks to all of His children! He doesn’t just single out preachers and missionaries or those who have been Christians for a long time! He talks to all believers.  Just as children recognize their mom or dad’s voice, we should be able to recognize our Heavenly Father’s voice.
  2. It protects you from mistakes.  The Message Bible puts it like this in Proverbs 3:6….”Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, and everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”
  3. It produces success in life.  Keep in mind that God’s meaning of success is not the same as the world’s.  God’s definition: being exactly who God made you to be so that you may experience abundant JOY in relationship with Him.

Listen for God’s voice, follow His plan and be filled with JOY!


1 comment:

  1. This is what we all need to be reminded of. Thank you.
