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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Slow Down and Hear the JOY!

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Try not to be in such a hurry that you miss the special flavor of God’s JOY.

            We make time for most of our responsibilities.  We even find time for pleasures and activities that are optional.  We certainly make time for the urgent tasks at hand.  But do we always make time for God?

            If we can’t find time in our day to spend a few minutes with God, then we are NOT going to hear Him speak. We need to slow down and sift through the noise in order to recognize His voice.

            Have you ever flown in an airplane?  At that height and speed, we don’t see details of what is below. If we choose a train as our mode of transportation, then we see a little more of what’s around us.  When we ride in our car, more details come into focus.  BUT when we walk…we see LOTS of details along our path.  You see, the faster we go, the more we miss.  And this is true in our spiritual walk, too!

            So often our days are so hurried and jam-packed that God gets only our leftovers.  We may WANT to hear Him speak, but we tell Him to do it quickly because we’ve got SO MUCH to pack into our day!  What’s sad about this lifestyle is that we will be shallow in our faith.  God needs quality time in order to truly change our hearts and speak to us.

            Will you commit today to spending quiet time with Him every day…time to read the Bible, pray and listen to what He says to you? 

           Slow down and hear the JOY being poured into you!

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