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Monday, February 28, 2011

T-Ball JOY

Papa Pat and I received a phone call Saturday afternoon from our "big boy" grandson, who is five years old.  He was excited because he'd just been to T-ball practice.  This was his first experience with playing with a team and he thought it was GREAT! 

When I asked him what he did, he responded: "Oh, GiGi!  I hit the ball, I catched the ball, I throwed the ball, I ran around the bases.  It was fun!"  A little later his mom informed me that when he said he "ran AROUND the bases", that's exactly what he did!  He ran AROUND third base...never touching it...and went straight for home plate!

So often I find myself running AROUND my problems.  Instead of stepping squarely on the challenge, I tend to avoid what needs to be faced.  And as in baseball, when I don't play by the "rules", I will find myself suffering consequences of not using Godly wisdom.  God has given us a "play book" called the Holy Bible.  If we will read and study, then when those close ballgames of life come our way, we'll know what our Coach has told us to do.  But it takes lots of practice!  So let's begin today.

Study the "playbook". Keep your eyes focused on the important things as you strive to swing like a champ!  Our Coach is willing and able to help us learn the rules.....and His desire is that we enJOY the game of life as we depend on HIM to give us the strength and wisdom to play it well.

Friday, February 25, 2011

WAFT= Serving with JOY

God continues to amaze me at how He brings people into my life to "partner" with me in ministry.  It would take me PAGES AND PAGES to write about all of them, and many of you who are reading this fall into that category!  I do appreciate each and every one....though I never tell you often enough.

Today I made a trip to Valdosta to WAFT Christian Radio.  More than two years ago, God opened the door and WAFT began to air my JOY JUICE daily devotionals.  Since that time, the WAFT family has been such a blessing in my life.  Anything that they can do to help spread the JOY of the Lord....they are willing.  They go the "extra mile" and make wonderful suggestions regarding many things that are so "new" to me!

Right now, they are helping to advertise our upcoming EnJOY the JOurneY Conference...March 18 & 19th.  They have come up with all kinds of "give-aways" and methods of getting the word out to the ladies in the South Georgia/North Florida area.  They always have a smile on their faces and JOY in their hearts...and just seem to really ENJOY helping me and sooooo many others in the ministry.

WHY?  Why are they so willing to help?  They're not getting rich!  They are not winning trips or prizes of any kind.  The reason they just that!  THEY SERVE GOD!  And it fills their hearts with JOY because they are doing what God has called them to do.

So I take the time today to say a great big THANK YOU to my friends at WAFT!  May God generously pour out His JOY JUICE into your life.....just as you so generously share His JOY with others!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The JOY of Encouragement

I was talking with my sweet daughter last night regarding a project that she'd had the privilege of being involved with in her church.  As she was excitedly telling me all the details and how "God showed up" in so many ways, I was reminded of how valuable encouragement is in our lives. 

She shared with me how one of the "older" men took the Youth team (who were in charge of the project) out to dinner after the project was complete.  At that time, he shared with them everything he thought they did RIGHT!  Can you imagine what a source of encouragement that was to those young people?  I can tell you, my daughter was glowing through the phone!  I could hear the joy in her voice, sense the joy in her smile, feel the joy in her spoken words.

We need to realize the value of an "encouraging word".  Instead of always finding the things young folks do WRONG, why not focus on all they are doing RIGHT?  The more they hear praise for the good things, the harder they will want to work to make sure they are making more right choices.  And THEN, don't you just imagine that both the young ones and the older ones will be filled with a sense of JOY!?

 That's why I call it the

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today's Serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Why not share the JOY of the 10 Commandments with your entire family?.

            The two commandments that we’ll discuss today are ones that are probably the easiest to recite: They are found in Exodus 20:13 & 15: Thou shalt not kill.  &  Thou shalt not steal.

            Most of us are thinking, “I’ve got these two covered! I’m not a murderer, nor am I a thief!!!”  But let’s shine a bright light on these verses and look at them with the eyes and heart of Jesus.  Killing a person is definitely against God’s law, but did you realize that Jesus taught that hateful anger breaks this commandment, too?  Even if we are legally innocent, if we have this kind of anger, we are morally guilty of murder.

            And what about stealing?  Have you ever taken anything that didn’t belong to you?  Adrian Rogers wrote: “Whether it’s time, money, affection, possessions, appreciation, love or anything else, if we defraud somebody else in any way, we are guilty of stealing.”

            Especially in our homes, we should not let the sun go down on our anger; nor should we withhold from our family members anything that they need.

            Remember, don’t kill with anger or steal by withholding. Allow God to fill your home with love, peace, generosity and JOY!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The JOY of Working Together

"I thank my God every time I remember you.  In all of my prayers for all of you, I always pray with JOY because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now....". (Philippians 1:3 - 4)

I'm beginning to understand a little bit about what Paul was referring to in his letter to the Philippians.
Last night I met with a group of prayer warriors and JOYful volunteers that are helping with the upcoming EnJOY the Journey Conference, March 18 & 19. They are my "partners in the gospel" and I am so very thankful for each of them!  Before the meeting I found myself a little overwhelmed with all that still has to be done....details that must be accomplished if the weekend is to work smoothly...many things that we take for granted until they are not done!  I was working myself into a "stew" (and it wasn't JOY stew, mind you!) until the Lord sent His peace and reassurance through these precious sisters in Christ!

During our two hour "meeting", we laughed, talked, discussed, recalled last year's conference, etc., etc. But the most important and rewarding thing we did was to begin our time praying together---asking for God's JOYful blessings in every detail..we prayed specifically for those details.  As we "turned our eyes upon Jesus"...just as the song says, everything else seemed to "grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace".  No longer was I overwhelmed but was washed in a sweet, calm reassurance that GOD has every detail under control.  I believe that He wants us to continue to pray...and then trust Him to carry it out.

Today I'd like to share some of the prayer requests with YOU and ask you to "partner" with us in prayer regarding this year's conference.  Will you commit to praying for these specific requests?   PRAY
·        For God’s will to be done in every detail
·        For safety in travel for all who attend
·        For hearts to be touched and changed for Him
·        For Cheri Keaggy as she prepares, travels and performs/speaks
·        For Karen Ehman as she prepares her message, travels and speaks
·        For Joyce as she prepares her message and takes care of last minute details…a sweet JOYful peace and physical/spiritual stamina
·        For each member of the team as we pull it all together
·        For every hostess to serve the Lord with GLADNESS!
·        For the sound equipment, lighting, powerpoint, etc.
·        For the men who will be helping with parking and security
·        For health and no injuries during the weekend
·        For a SWEET, JOYFUL spirit in the hearts of the women
·        For financial blessing…that all of our expenses will be covered.

Okay that's just for starters!  If we will all pour out our hearts before the Lord, there is NO TELLING WHAT HE will accomplish that weekend!  Oh, what JOY floods my soul just thinking about what God may be "up to"! :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

How long is your JOY list?

I just read a devotional this morning in which the writer talked about the fact that she was a "list maker"!  Oh, that's ME!  I make lists to go to the grocery store, lists of what I buy for each of my loved ones at Christmas, lists of things to do today, lists for those helping with projects....sometimes I even make lists of my lists! :)  You see, I've learned that if I don't make a list, I will FORGET something!

Do you think God has to make lists to keep up with all of us?  Nope!  Don't think so!  Our God is all-knowing; He knows everything!!!!!!!!!!  And has since before the beginning of time.  That's kinda hard to wrap your brain around, isn't it?  But, oh, such a wonderful truth!  Let it sink in for just a minute.  God knows your every need...even before you do.  You and I do NOT have to fret about anything.  He has us in His hand and in His plan!

So, instead of being anxious, let's just begin our JOY list today!
  1. I'm JOYful because Jesus is my Savior!
  2. I'm JOYful because God's in control of my life!
  3. I'm JOYful because He has blessed me with good health!
  4. I'm JOYful because I have a wonderful family!
  5. I'm JOYful because of my PRECIOUS grandchildren!
  6. I'm JOYful because of the upcoming EnJOY the Journey Ladies' Conference!
Come on, jump in anytime and start adding things to your JOY LIST!  "We've only just begun...."

Friday, February 18, 2011


One of my most favorite scripture verses is found in Psalm 118:24: "This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

I truly believe that God wants us to CHOOSE to matter what!  I know that there are days when the unexpected happens and we are not prepared for the hurt and pain that comes our way.  We may not be HAPPY about our circumstances, but we can still rejoice in our relationship with Christ!  He has promised NEVER to leave us or forsake that promise in itself should give us peace and joy.

Today is Friday!  YIPPEEEE!!!  It's the day the LORD has made!  So what shall we do with it?????   REJOICE AND BE GLAD!   Right?  Right!  Hope your day and your weekend overflows with JOY in the Lord!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Divine Appointment of JOY

Yesterday I was on my way to church for our Wednesday night service.  I began to feel a "tickle" in my throat and seemed to have a small cough, so I decided to pull into the parking lot of one of the drugstores.  I don't regularly use that particular drugstore, but just felt compelled to go to that one for some reason!  I'd grab a package of cough drops....then I'd be on my way to church.

When I pulled into the parking space that was available, I looked at the car parked right beside me and it was one of my SPECIAL friends!  She's on our EnJOY the Journey Conference Planning and Prayer team.  We saw each other at the exact same time and OF COURSE had to roll down our widows and chat a few minutes.  We were both excited about what God is doing to orchestrate and guide this upcoming conference...and we had sooo much to tell each other!  We were bubbling over with joy and talking at the same time...yet hearing every word that the other was sharing.

She'd just come out of the store and I was just arriving.  So I told her I was going to run in after my cough drops and I'd see her at church.  She agreed and turned her key in the ignition of her car......IT WOULDN'T CRANK!  She tried it again....just a clicking noise!  She looked at me....I looked at her....and we both realized that this had been a divine appointment for a number of reasons. 

You see, God knew what was about to happen.  He brought me at that VERY MOMENT to that VERY STORE in that VERY PARKING SPACE because He knew my friend needed a ride to church and someone to help her!  She had just minutes before encouraged me because of her enthusiasm and excitement regarding the conference.  It was "my turn" now to do whatever she needed me to do to make sure she was taken care of!

Now, I don't know about you, but I do NOT believe in coincidences!  I DO believe in DIVINE APPOINTMENTS.  Keep your eyes open today and tomorrow and the next......I can guarantee you'll begin to see more and more divine appointments of  JOY!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Today's serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?   If you are a parent,  make sure to have your special serving and then share some with your family!

            Parenting is a rewarding, yet challenging job!  There are some days when tired moms and dads just wish that someone would step in and take control for a little while!  That’s exactly what God wants to do for you!   He wants to take total control and help you to have a Godly home.

            That’s why His Word is filled with commandments and instructions.  It’s not for HIS benefit…but for ours.  What does He tell us to do in the second commandment found in Exodus 20: 4?  You shall not make for yourself any graven image (idol).    We don’t have idols in our homes today…do we?

            Martin Luther taught that whatever our heart clings to and relies on, that is our idol.  Anything we love more than God, fear more than God, serve more than God or value more than God….becomes our idol. 

            Adrian Rogers wrote:  "In America we have made gods of ourselves, of wealth and material possessions, of pleasure…and even our family!"   Sure, we are to love our family whole-heartedly, but not put them ahead of God.  They will be loved more if God is number one in our life than they ever could be if they were number one!  AND that kind of love will fill their hearts and YOURS with a JOY beyond description!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

JOY Fires!

I joined the Forestry Department today....for a few minutes, anyway!  They were doing some burning on our farm due to my husband's request and I had to help! :)  My BIG responsibility was to strike the first match and set the grass on fire.  That's their new regulation these days.  The "land owner" must be the one who starts the fire; they will oversee the burning.

As I came back inside from my "forestry duty", I couldn't help but think that we should all be on a mission to strike the "match" of JOY in everyone's lives!  We're not responsible for everyone's fire, but we do have a loving duty to our Father to spread the warmth of His love and JOY. Look for opportunities to set someone's heart on fire.  It might be just a tiny flame at first, but with God breathing onto and into that person's heart, we just don't know what can be accomplished!

How many JOY FIRES have you set lately?  Let's all join God's Forestry Dept. and be willing to spread the burning desire to be HIS and be about HIS work!   May we all feel the warmth of His love and watch expectantly for the next door of opportunity to set a soul "ablaze" with His JOY!

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Valentine Holder of JOY

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!  Many of us celebrated over the weekend with cards, a good meal, candy or gifts. But today---February 14th---is the day that's set aside to express our love to those "SPECIAL" people in our lives.  I believe that Valentine's Day is one of the most fun days of the year for primary and elementary school children.  They LOVE getting cards from each other and exchanging tokens of "love".

Let's not forget that we each have our very own Valentine "holder" right at our fingertips each day!  It's filled with love notes and expressions of affection from our Heavenly Father!  THE HOLY BIBLE holds God's special love letters to us, reminding us that we are His FAVORITE Valentine!  He loved you so much that He sent His one and only Son to die for you!  Now that's love...and extravagant love!

So as you tell your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, your parents or your special friends Happy Valentine's day, please pause to thank the Giver of Love for all He has done for us.  When you have a grateful heart, you'll find your heart is JOYful, too!  So, praise the Lord and shout with JOY!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentine JOY

As I addressed Valentine cards to our four grandchildren, I was reminded how MUCH I love each of them.  They are all so different, so unique.  And my love for them is simply indescribable!

Do you think that's how God thinks about us?  "Each one is so different, so unique!  And my love for them is indescribable!"  YEP!  I think that's exactly what He says.  He created us in His image and He loves what He created.  Isn't it such a relief to know that we don't have to earn His love?  It's free just for the taking.  And NOTHING can separate us from His love.

 Romans 8:38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

 OH, WHAT JOY FLOODS MY SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Focus on Others = JOY

One of the JOYS of my retirement is being able to "volunteer" sometimes for things that I used not to have the time for.  This month marks three years that I've been going into one of our local hospitals and serving as Chaplain.  Now, let me ask you...  Who do you think gets the most JOY from my visits...the patients or this ole gal???  It's definitely ME!

Many days I'll wake up and think, "I don't FEEL like going to the hospital today."  But if I'll quit focusing on myself and think about others who may need a word of encouragement or a prayer, then I usually find the will to push on.  Today was one of those days.  I was a little "draggy" when I first got up; but at the time of this posting, I'm just returning from hospital rounds and I feel GREAT!   Why?  Because I took the focus off myself for a little while.

Today I had the privilege of meeting new people who needed someone just to listen; I saw several old friends with whom I shared laughter and talk of days gone by!  I saw the JOY of new babies and proud mommies and daddies.  I even got to pray with one gentlemen that was near desperation and wanted to end his life. As I prayed with him, I realized how blessed my life is and how much I take for granted.

So today, my message is simply: Focus on others instead of thinking of yourself so much.  That's what Jesus taught!  You see, He knew that was the way to experience genuine JOY!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today's Serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Get ready to spread JOY in a special way this Valentine’s Day!

          This coming Monday is Valentine's Day!   Even if you don’t have a romantic sweetheart, you can still think of those who need an expression of God’s love.  As a matter of fact, I’d like to encourage each of us to think of someone who may be forgotten this Valentine’s Day.  It may be a person who has lost a mate; a friend who is going through a divorce or that person who doesn’t make friends easily.  No matter what age we are or what our circumstances may be, we all need to feel loved. And the Bible exhorts us to love one another. (1 John 4)

            Acts of love can really be inexpensive.  For instance, pick up the telephone or drop by for a short visit and express your appreciation for that person’s friendship. Something as simple as a hug or a handshake, accompanied by a genuine smile and word of encouragement could mean so much to a lonely person.  

One four year old boy went to visit his next door neighbor.  The elderly gentleman had just lost his wife in death and he was crying.  The mother watched as her little boy climbed onto the neighbor’s lap and sat there, silently, for several minutes.  When he returned to his mother, she asked him what he’d been doing.  “Helping him cry,” was the little boy’s answer.  (This story has been attributed to the author and lecturer, Leo Buscaglia.)

You see, sometimes we can express our love in the simplest of acts. Just a few minutes of our time and kindness can be all it takes to share the love and JOY of the Lord with others.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Called to a Life of JOY

Did you know that EACH of us is "called"?  When God created you and me, He created us for a PURPOSE!  And like we learned in Rick Warren's book, The Purpose Driven Life, it's not about's about HIM.

We often settle for so much less than what God has for us in this life.  Why?  Could it be we lack faith? Or boldness? Maybe we limit God because we don't really believe that He wants to pour out abundant blessings on us because we don't deserve them?  That part is right....we don't deserve His love, His blessings, His forgiveness, His grace.  BUT CHRIST DIED that we might have these gifts.   HE paid the price, so we don't have to.

May I encourage you today to search your heart and go to God in prayer (with Bible study) and ask Him to show you His purpose for you TODAY.  Then, ask again tomorrow...and the next day.  If we will live completely, totally, consistently for Him, He will show us one step at a time what we are to be doing day by day.  He will reveal to us our purpose.  It may be parenting or teaching or simply being an encourager to all those He brings into your path today.  Just LISTEN to Him as He whispers direction into your heart.....

When we are in the center of His will for our lives, when we are certain that we are pursuing His purpose...then our lives will overflow with the JOY of the Lord! Be convinced that YOU are called to a life of JOY!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Saying Goodbye JOYfully

Last week one of my dear friends lost her 95 year-old-father.  I had never met him because he lived in another town; but because of my love for my friend, I attended the funeral.  As friends and family gathered at the funeral home before the service, you could hear nothing but kind words being spoken about this precious man.  And though my friend and her sisters and family members shed tears of sorrow, there was a special, JOYful peace about them, as well.

It was obvious where their peace came from! This Daddy had left a Godly heritage!  Story after story was told about him when he shared his faith with others.  He was a ROCK......I heard that description several times.  In other words, his faith in God was unshakable.  Regardless of what life brought, he remained faithful to His God.  He was a quiet man, yet always so willing to speak up when it meant taking a stand for Christ.

He lived what he believed.  He wasn't one who would just "talk the talk".  He consistently "walked the walk".  In doing so, he left his children and grandchildren with a strong spiritual heritage that is worth more than abundant material riches.  By the world's standards, this fellow was not wealthy.  BUT by God's standards, he had riches beyond measure............and is enJOYing them right now as he is with His dear Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ!

Yes, we said goodbye to a special man last week....but it wasn't "goodbye forever".  It was a JOYful goodbye and a "see ya later"!  We will see him again and will spend an eternity worshipping our God and singing praises to our Saviour together!

"WHAT A DAY......GLORIOUS DAY.....THAT WILL BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Saturday of JOY

I usually don't post on the weekends but....due to my JOYfully busy week with the grandkids, I didn't get to my computer very often over the past few days.  Sooo, today I've decided to try to get back "in the groove". 

A friend of mine was at my house this morning.  We are about the same age.  We had to laugh WITH one another that we can't physically do what we could even a few years ago.  We tire more easily; we've both gained a little weight; our stamina is not as strong.  We ARE growing older.  WHAT A BLESSING!

A blessing???????  YES, we can "count it all joy" when our backs ache after mopping the floor, because we are still ABLE to mop the floor.  And we have a nice floor to mop!  And we have a home with a floor to get dirty by big feet and little feet that track in.  Those "big feet" and "little feet" belong to those we love soooo much!

We can "rejoice always" when we find play dough under the table, along with crumbs which were obviously dropped this week by precious little grandbabies. I thank the Lord for those sweet little lives that have brought a whole new dimension to the word "LOVE".

We can "be joyful in all things" when we fall into bed at night, exhausted from the busy day.  Thank you God for the strength and ability to stay busy; thank you for a nice bed to snuggle into at the end of the day.  Thank you for a warm home and food in my tummy and a sweet, Godly husband lying beside me. Thank you for health.  Thank you for the blessing of sleep and then being refreshed in the morning so that we can get up and go again!

I could go on and on, but I think you get my point!  When we have JESUS in our heart and we focus on all that He has done and is doing for us, we can find JOY in everything!  Now.....go have yourself a JOYful Saturday!   See ya on Monday in blog-land!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Today's Serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  When people hear YOUR name mentioned, do they have JOYful thoughts?  Let me give you a few names and see what comes to mind:

Adolph Hitler
Charles Manson
Osama bin Laden
Abraham Lincoln
Mother Teresa
Billy Graham

            Do you see how a name instantly brings certain thoughts to our minds?
            What kind of legacy do you want to leave?  I think we’d all agree that we want our name to be remembered in a positive light.  Let’s look to Jesus for our example. Even for non-Christians, Jesus has a name that is highly regarded and much respected. Ironically, the very people who put Him to death, could find no fault in him!
The Bible makes it clear that Jesus Christ lived an exceptional life. Certainly, a life well worth imitating. But more than that, Jesus is the very image of God. If that’s true, then where could we possibly find a better role model?
And here’s the best news of all…We can take on the name of Jesus and have His good reputation as our own. By becoming a Christian, we are given a second chance to rebuild our reputation, to restore our good name, to lead a truly exceptional life.  Doesn’t that give you great hope and make your JOY JUICE cup overflow!?