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Friday, October 22, 2010

Whatsoever Things are JOYful

You could guess that my favorite book of the Bible is the book of Philippians....I tell people that often---maybe have even said it in my blog before.  It is such a powerful little book of JOY!  I just can't seem to get enough of it.  I find myself reading and reading and re-reading the verses, as well as trying to memorize them, so that I can "hide it's words in my heart".

A "light bulb" went on in my spiritual thinking the other day.  I really think that since I have been soaking in these verses of JOY, God has blessed me with MORE JOY!  The more I read, the more strongly I believe and then the more confident I am in our GOD of JOY!  No where in the Bible does He promise us a life of complete happiness....but He promises us over and over again that He will always be with us and that we can "count it ALL joy"!

You see, what we put into our minds, comes out through our words and our actions and our attitudes.  If we think critical thoughts, then critical words spout from our lips!  If we focus on how badly we feel, then all we'll do is complain about our ailments! (May I share a little secret with you?  NO ONE LIKES TO HEAR ABOUT OUR AILMENTS...unless it's your doctor and he's getting paid to listen!!!!!!!!!)

In other words, instead of focusing on all that's wrong---instead of watching those "worldly" tv shows and movies---instead of reading the latest steamy romance novels, let's meditate on Paul's wisdom in Philippians 4:8 so that we can be sisters (and brothers) of JOY!

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."       

For some EXTRA good reading, pick up your Bible and read the JOYful book of Philippians!!!

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