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Monday, October 11, 2010

Simple JOYS

Papa Pat and I had the JOYful pleasure of having two VERY IMPORTANT guests this past weekend to spend some time with us!  Nathan (4 yrs)and Naomi (3 yrs) came to see us and we had a blast! For those of you who are on facebook, go to my page and see pictures.  And I can guarantee that you won't be able to tell WHO had more fun....the kids or their grandparents!

What a blessing to be able to enJOY the simple pleasures of life with our grandbabies! They teach us so much...about what is truly important in life.  Things like hugs and smiles and laughter and ice cream! :)

Though we took them Friday night to a small circus in town.....and they had a really good time......they seemed to like even more getting to Papa and GiGi's house so that they could play and just "be" with us.  On Saturday, we stayed busy doing things that didn't cost a penny!  We fished, we picked cotton, we rode on Papa's tractor and the lawn mower, we visited MeMa (my mom), we played with their daddy's old toys that we had kept over the years.  We even found a "vintage" dress hanging in Aunt Ali's closet that JUST FIT Naomi!  She wore it home and was soooooooooooooo proud of it!

Just a little summary of our weekend to let you know that I was once again reminded that JOY comes in the simple things!  The simple truth that Christ died for EACH of US should make our hearts burst with JOY!


  1. So glad you got to spend quality time with those grand babies. There's nothing in the world like them.

  2. Indeed, we are JOYfully blessed! :)
