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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Serving of JOY JUICE---In Your JOY Kitchen

                            THIS WEEK'S JOY JUICE DEVOTIONAL

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  It's made from an old family recipe!

When preparing a meal, it's wise to use a tried and proven recipe in order to enjoy a delicious end product. If not, we could have a flop!  The same is true of us spiritually.  We decide on a recipe for our day which may include getting up early to have a "quiet time" with God.  But when the alarm clock goes off, we are just tooooo sleepy! So we hit the "snooze" button....telling ourselves that we'll find time during the day for our Bible reading and prayer.

When we do get up, it's too late to follow the "recipe" we'd planned, so we rush to get dressed and get to work, school or to an appointment.  About mid-morning we think we've found a few minutes to spend time alone with God, BUT then the phone rings or something unexpected changes our plans for the rest of the day. 

"Oh, well!" we think.  "I'll just do my devotional time tonight."  Nighttime comes and we realize that our FAVORITE television program comes on!  We've been waiting all week to see the continuation from last week's episode.  After the program, we get our bath and crawl into bed with our Bible, fully intending to read, study and pray.  But before we know it, we're fast asleep!

Lesson learned: It's best to follow your recipe!  "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8
Find your special recipe and follow it faithfully so that you can enjoy a delicious, JOYful day in the Lord.

Why not cook up a delicious recipe of JOY and serve some to all those God brings into your JOY KITCHEN?!

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