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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Believing in JOYful Miracles

Do you believe in miracles?  I know we all believe in those we read about in the Bible.  But do you really believe that miracles still happen today?  THEY DO!!!!  The problem is, we don't look for them, we don't pray for them, we don't expect them. 

Author Bruce Wilkinson says our thinking usually falls into two categories when it comes to miracles.  The Land of Signs and Wonders....which only a few people are privy to....and the Land of Good Deeds.  Most of us would say that we often fall into this latter category.  It's not wrong to be in either of these "lands".  We do believe that Jesus caused the lame to walk, the blind to see, turned water into wine, fed the five thousand...etc.,etc. AND we have heard of a few astonishing miracles taking place even today.  That's what happens in the Land of Signs and Wonders.  Then in the Land of Good Deeds, we Christians are always recognizing needs around us and fulfilling them.  That's GREAT!  But not ALL that God wants to do through us!!!!!

You see, there is another "land" called the Land of Everyday Miracle Territory (according to Bruce).  This is where we give ourselves totally to God EVERY DAY and ask Him to accomplish miracles through us!  We believe in HIS POWER, not our own.  All He is waiting for is our submission and willingness.  We must be attuned to His voice and be ready to risk....stepping out on faith even when it doesn't make sense!

Are you willing to be used of the Father as His "delivery agent".  He wants to deliver JOYful miracles in and through each of our lives.  I 'bout you?

As you read this post today, would you be willing to post about a time when you KNOW God worked a miracle in your life or used you in someone else's life as a delivery agent of a miracle.  What an encouragement it will be to others as we share about why we believe in God's JOYful miracles!  Come on!!!  Who will be the first to post? 


  1. I don't think this probably qualifies as a miracle but I was recently reminded of a special time in my life. When I was in high school a fellow student, Randy, two years younger than me was blinded due to a gun accident. After recovery he returned to school and I really don't think anyone knew what to do with him in those days. My business ed. teacher approached me and asked if I would be willing to teach Randy to type. Although I wasn't sure I was capable of doing it, I took on the job. Randy and I became great friends and he learned to type quite well. We spent a lot of time together for awhile with his mother even loaning me her car to drive Randy around! Years passed and I never saw Randy again after I graduated. Recently I was at an all-inclusive high school reunion and Randy and his wife were there. She tracked me down and said Randy really wanted a hug from me! Needless to say I went to him immediately and gave him the biggest hug I had. While talking with him he told me I had meant a great deal to him during a very difficult time in his life. I can't describe the feeling I had at that moment. I felt so blessed. In looking back now I think maybe God was trying to show me then that He wanted me to be a teacher...but that was not in my sights at the time. Long story short...God slammed the door on what I thought I wanted to do with my life, then shoved me through a window to do what He had planned for me all along! Now that's a miracle! Love you, Joyce!!!

  2. What a beautiful example of how God works in our lives! I am SOOOOOO thankful that God shoved you through the "window" of teaching! Just think of the thousands of lives that you have touched! You're the BEST! Thanks for your inspiring post!
