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Monday, October 4, 2010

A JOYful Autumn Day

Don't you just love the change of the seasons?  I sure do!  The Lord knew that we would tire of the hot weather of summer and would enJOY the cool briskness of fall/autumn.  After the cold winter months, we are EXTRA JOYful to see the grass and leaves turning green and flowers beginning to bloom.  Springtime is always a welcome season of the year!

Have you even considered that our lives go through seasons, too?  We start out like little blossoms and grow into maturity, raising our own little blossoms.  Then comes the season called "empty nest"...which can be a really tough season due to the emotions that come with it.  However, having living through it, I can see the beauty in it as well.  As Autumn brings falling leaves and lack of growth, it also brings beautiful colors and refreshing, cool days and nights.  In our lives, God brings beauty throughout all seasons.  Even during the tough times, He is there with His paintbrush to turn the "picture of tribulation" into a gorgeous masterpiece.  But that's only if we will allow Him.

We must remember that though we don't have control over the circumstances, we DO have control over how we react to them!  Let's decide and determine to always trust matter what...and then we will experience JOY regardless of what season of life we find ourselves in.  Now, let's enJOY this beautiful autumn day and share His JOY with others along the way!

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