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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

From Dread to JOY

It's that time of year again....flu shot season!  Years ago I began to get the flu shot each fall due to working in the school system and being around so many "sweet" little germs and germettes!  It's one preventative measure that I think is worth the time and effort.  But I have NEVER looked forward to getting the shot!  There has always been that sense of "dread".

This morning Pat and I decided that it was time!  He was working "in town" today, so we'd just go together and get "shot".  The wait was not THAT long, but long enough to start thinking things like: "Will it make me feel bad?"  "Will my arm be sore?" "Wonder if I'll run a little temp.?"  In other words....I started DREADING that infamous FLU SHOT!  To divert our attention, we talked about as many other things that we could think of, but in the back of my mind the dread was obviously swinging it's fists.

"Mr. and Mrs. Ashley," the nurse called us back together!  She was such a JOYful, kind-hearted nurse...doing her best to make the experience as pleasant as possible.  It took all of one minute for her to "work her magic".  I hardly even felt the needle go into my arm.  And Pat didn't cry, either! :)

What an analogy of how we let our thought life take over and direct us down the wrong path many times.  How often do we dread what MIGHT happen, only to find out that it was not anything like we'd expected.  Many of our circumstances can be filled with JOY, if we'll just trust the Lord to be in control and not allow the enemy to cause us to dread, fret and "be anxious".  When we relinquish every area of our lives to HIM, then we will go from "dread" to JOY!  And that's a much nicer place to be!

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