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Friday, November 3, 2017

Sow Joy, Generously!

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Give some away; you might be surprised at how your personal supply multiplies as you generously share!

            Some of the most giving people I know are not necessarily those who are wealthy. They are those who freely give of their time, their compassion, their wisdom and resources.  

          Many years ago I had the privilege of knowing an elderly gentleman who would not let a day go past without giving something away.  He’d cut flowers from his yard and take to someone to brighten their day.  From his garden, he would gather vegetables and give to his friends and neighbors.  His workshop was a place of joy and generosity for he was always thinking of things he could make & share with others.  He’d bake bread in his tiny kitchen… and give it away.

            If someone went to visit him and take him something, he’d always send them home with a gift, as well.  I can remember him vividly saying, “Honey, don’t you know that you can’t ever give anything away!  It always comes back to you multiplied.”

            This wise man had learned from experience the truth of scripture.  2 Corinthians 9:6  teaches: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

            Let’s look for ways each day to sow generously! It’s a guaranteed way to multiply your joy!  It’s a rewarding cycle…when you give, you receive joy. And when you receive joy, you will be inspired to give again.

            Be a giver of God’s love and joy! 

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