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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Find Rest and Joy in Him

                Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Each of us needs to remember our daily serving so that we will not grow tired and weary.

                Most of us would say that we enjoy taking vacations…to rest and refresh.  But aren’t we thankful that God never has to take a few days off.  He’s always on duty….and watching over us even before we call for Him! 

                 Think back to the account of creation in Genesis.  On the first day God created LIGHT; on the second, SKY and WATER; on the third day He made LAND and the SEA and VEGETATION; on the fourth it was the SUN, MOON AND STARS; on the fifth day He formed FISH and BIRDS to fill the waters and the sky; on the sixth he created the ANIMALS….and ADAM and EVE.  

                Now, what did He do on the seventh day?  HE RESTED! But didn’t we just decide that GOD doesn’t need to rest?   

            The original word translated “rest” or “rested” shows that God did not get tired, nor did He need a day to convalesce or build up His strength. He simply stopped creating.  He finished in six days and stopped on the seventh day—which set a pattern for our seven-day week. God does not need to rest or relax.   But he knows that WE DO!

            Isaiah 40:29 says: “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.”     

Whether at home or work or vacation, take the joy of the Lord with you and rest in Him.

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