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Monday, July 24, 2017

Faithful with His Mercy and Joy

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  When we faithfully serve others the joy of the Lord, double portions come back to us.

            One of the benefits of growing older is recognizing the faithfulness of God. He repeatedly sends blessings into each of our lives. As we mature spiritually, we realize that we have fewer answers….but, hopefully, more faith in our faithful God. 

·         We may not be able to explain why certain things are happening, but we can trust that his mercies are new every day..and great is His faithfulness!
·         Though there may be more month at the end of our money and we don’t know how we’re going to pay our bills….we can trust in God’s faithful provisions.
·          At times we are heartbroken over the loss of a loved one or a relationship….but GOD REMAINS FAITHFUL! 

            Sheila Walsh beautifully explains the faithfulness of God.  In her words: “I don’t mean that He will wave a magic wand and everything will fall into place; far from it. What it means is that at the darkest times in our lives we will learn to keep turning our faith towards Him for He is faithful. Faithful to be with us, faithful to watch over us, faithful to work in us to make us the men and women we are called to be.” 

Psalm 86:16 says it well: “But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” 

            Indeed, God is merciful, gracious, loving, faithful and generous with His joy.

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