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Thursday, April 6, 2017

God Will Joyfully Lead

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  God will help us to hold on to our serving of joy…even when we stumble.

            God’s Word holds many promises that fill us with hope and strength and joy.  As Psalm 37:23-24 reminds us: 

23 The Lord makes firm the steps
    of the one who delights in him;
24 though he may stumble, he will not fall,
    for the Lord upholds him with his hand.

In that passage, we see the promise that God will make our steps firm…but does this mean everybody? The rest of that verse makes it clear that this is speaking of the person who “delights in him”.  We want God to guide our path, to make our steps firm, sturdy, balanced; we don’t like to stumble or fall.  In our own human strength, we know that we are going  to make bad choices and trip ourselves up at times.  But the promise for those who “delight in” God and our relationship with Him, is that we can trust in our Father to uphold us and fulfill His purpose in our life. 

Yes…we will stumble; we may skin our knees, bump our head or be delayed because of a “trip up”; BUT the Lord is willing and able to take our hand in His and “uphold” us and help us to bear the fruit that He has planted…which includes the fruit of joy.

            Reach out and take God’s hand so that He can joyfully lead you and keep you from falling.

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