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Monday, August 29, 2016

God is ABLE!

                Have you had your Joy Juice today?  May we be willing and able to drink in the Joy of Jesus daily. 

                As I was reading the Bible, the word “A B L E” caught my attention.  A simple word; only four letters. And I’d read it and heard and spoken it thousands of times before.  So why, now, was this little word waving its arms and capturing my attention? Was it the Holy Spirit’s prompting?

                I began to look into the scriptures more deeply.  Time and time again, I found the word “able” and I began to see the significance of that little “treasure”.  One verse that kept coming to my attention was Ephesians 3:20: “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.”

            Do we believe that GOD IS ABLE? Is our faith strong enough to not put limits on Him?  Do we bring before Him EVERY need in our life knowing that He is ABLE to take care of us? Scripture reminds us that:
  1. God is able to turn BAD NEWS into GOOD NEWS. John 11:1-7, 18-21, 32-44 See also 2 Kings 20:1-6
  2. God is able to turn DISAPPOINTMENT INTO DIVINE APPOINTMENT! John 20:11-18; Lu. 24:10-31, 41, 52
  3. God is able to turn LITTLE INTO LOTS AND NOTHING INTO SOMETHING. John 6, 2Cor. 9:8-11; Lu 6:38; Mal. 3:10; Matt. 17:24-27
  4. God is able to HEAL WHEN THERE IS NO HOPE.
    Matt. 9:18-26; Matt. 17:14-18
  5. God is able to turn A SINNER INTO A SAINT. Luke 7:36-50
                 This is Joyce Ashley of JoyJoy Ministries.  God is ABLE to turn the bitter things of life into sweet servings of joy. 

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