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Sunday, September 7, 2014

TUESDAY'S SERVING of JOY JUICE: Are We Building JOY-filled Spiritual Houses?

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  It’s the cement that holds the walls of our spiritual house together!

           As Christians, we are building spiritual houses.  Some build their house on a firm foundation, but regrettably, others build by the world’s standards. Who or what is the foundation of your spiritual house? I think that answer depends on the Who or what is at the core of your faith.  Jesus called us to build our house, our foundation, on the Rock, because He is the Rock of our salvation. If we choose any other foundation than Jesus, we must understand that it will not stand firm when the weight of life is placed upon us.

Often, we build our lives upon people. We hope that they can hold us up when we’re falling down. But, if they fall, who will hold us up? God tells us in Isaiah 2:22, “Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he?  People are like you and me. They have limits. God is limitless!  

Today let’s do a house inspection and look for cracks in the foundation, evidence of weak spots where we often walk and find the areas that need cleaning and repainting with the varnish of love and joy.  Sometimes we need to enlist the help of an objective inspector to help us find the trouble spots.  We all need accountability partners to tell us what we need to hear and to hold us to the truths of scripture.

May we all take a close look at our spiritual houses to see if they need some renovations.  Be sure to call the Master Architect and allow Him to start the remodeling project NOW!

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