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Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Variety of Gifts OF Joy and FOR Joy

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  It comes in a variety of flavors, you know!  Find the one that suits your taste!

            God loves variety…that’s obvious.  Look around you!  At every turn you see variety… two people are alike (not even twins); there are countless varieties of flowers, trees, plants which add to the beauty of nature.  Even the clouds in the sky and billions of snowflakes that fall all over the world are each unique in their formation.

            Because of his love for variety, He has created YOU for a special purpose.  He has gifted you with special abilities for serving Him.  These gifts are given to us….not because we have earned them or deserve them!  Because of His great love for each of us, He has uniquely gifted us.

            1 Corinthians 12:11 speaks of gifts: "All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he gives them to each one, just as he determines."

       We don’t get to pick and choose our gifts.  It’s not like asking for what we want for our birthday or making a Christmas wish list.  GOD GIVES US WHAT HE KNOWS WE NEED to fulfill His plan and His purpose.  We should thank Him for giving us the gifts He has lovingly selected… and realize that we have a responsibility to use and polish those gifts.  We must, also, remember that we can take NO CREDIT for what God has freely given us…..ALL GLORY should go to HIM!

            So as you celebrate your God-given gifts, drink your special flavor of JOY JUICE…and always be willing to share with those He brings into your path as He  accomplishes His purpose through you.

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