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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cure Worry-itus and Be Contagious with JOY

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  When you put you trust in God and drink in His joy, you might discover the cure for worry-itus!

            Would you like to know the truth about worry?  According to The Jeremiah Study Bible, these are the facts:
·        40% of the things people worry about never happen.
·        30% of our worries are related to past matters, which are now beyond our control.
·        12% of our worries have to do with our health, even when we are not actually ill.
·        10% of our worries are about friends and neighbors and are not based in evidence of fact.
·        Only 8% of our worries have some basis in reality, which means that over 90% of the things we worry about never happen.

David Jeremiah encourages us to look at our prayer life as if it’s composed of three circles.  The first is the “Worry Circle”, in which the word nothing is written because the Bible says, “Be anxious for nothing.” The second is the “Prayer Circle, with the word everything written inside. The Bible says, “In everything, let your prayers be known to God.”  The third is the “Thanksgiving Circle”, with the word anything written in it. “Be thankful for anything,” says the Word of God.

     That, my friends, sounds like the cure for “worry-itus”!

     Let’s determine—with God’s help—to worry about NOTHING, pray about EVERYTHING, and give thanks for ANYTHING.  Get rid of “worry” and be filled with His JOY!

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