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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Practice Makes JOYfully Perfect!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  It will help you to remember to PRACTICE!

             School children have to practice their ABC’s, counting, multiplication tables and writing skills.  Musicians have to practice their instruments and athletes practice their sport.  The only way to improve our skills is to PRACTICE! 

            The Dove Award winning artist, Cheri Keaggy, who sings the introduction for my JOY JUICE radio program, practices more than just her music! There’s a song that Cheri has written that expresses exactly WHY she can sing about the JOY of the Lord, regardless of the circumstances of her life.  The song entitled “Restored” says that we all have times of testing in our lives…there will be times when we feel as if we are “living against the grindstone”.  But it’s at these times especially that we need to PRACTICE JOY!

            Here are some of the beautiful lyrics Cheri has written: “I’ve been living against the grindstone, where nothing is sure but the Lord. For He gives me the treasures of darkness, where faith’s greatest riches are stored. And in ways that are quite unexpected, I have learned a most humbling truth….That a faith that has never been tested is just growth that is long overdue. So I’m PRACTICING JOY, choosing it daily, putting it on like a favorite cologne. And when life breaks me down, it won’t even faze me. Some call me crazy, but I’m just in love with the Lord."

            Yes, if we truly love the Lord, everything takes on a new perspective.  Let’s PRACTICE JOY regardless of our circumstances!

If interested in purchasing Cheri’s  BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US CD which includes the song 'Restored’ (The Grindstone Song) visit

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