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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Never Give Up....on JOY!

Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Drink it so that you’ll persevere and not be tempted to give up!

            Think for a moment about your prayer life.  Is there a certain request you’ve brought before the Lord many, many times and He’s not yet answered in the way you think He should?  Some people pray about the same thing for years:
  • The salvation of a loved one
  • Healing from an addiction.
  • A Godly spouse
  • A better job.
 Our human nature is to become discouraged when our prayers aren’t answered in a timely fashion. We begin to think, “Why bother? God’s not listening. I might as well just quit praying.”

            May I remind you, again, of poor Sarah in Genesis?  She waited 90 years for a baby! When God told her that it was “time”—she literally laughed out loud! Though she believed God could do anything, she doubted that he could do it through her 90-year old body!

            We tend to limit God, don’t we?  We know He is all powerful, but we often doubt that He can accomplish things through US!  We should pour out our lives…every area…100%...inside and out. We should hold nothing back from Him.  Let’s give Him our hopes and dreams, our words and actions, our plans and desires.  Then TRUST HIM to carry out His plan in us and through us.

            As Proverbs 3:5 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.”

           Never give up on drinking your Joy Juice.  And trust God as you share His joy with others!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes our will isn't God's will! We may not always understand God's will...but He has His big plan!! We must trust Him! He loves us!!! John 3:16 Thanks for sharing with Joy Juice!!!!
