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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hearing God Brings JOY

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  If you’ll drink it faithfully, you’re sure to heard God’s voice more clearly.

            What does it mean to “hear God” speak?  I’m not talking about an audible voice….like you and I talk to one another.  I’m referring to the “knowing” in your heart that God has whispered a word of wisdom, guidance or comfort down deep into your soul.  

How to recognize God's voice...

            The first step to hearing God is to accept Him into your life. You can’t hear Him speak if you’re not committed to following after Him. When we turn from our old way of life and hunger to grow in relationship with God, He delights in  personal communication with each of us.

 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” says James 4: 8
             The closer we draw to Him, the more quickly we will recognize His voice.  It’s kinda like when you receive a phone call. 

·        If you’ve never met that person who is calling, you certainly don’t recognize their voice.
·         If you’ve met them a few times, the voice may sound familiar but they have to tell you their name…so that you can be sure of who you’re talking to.
·         But if it’s a person who is close to you, someone you love and spend a lot of time with, you don’t even have to ask who it is on the other end.  You know as soon as your hear their voice.

            Get to know your Heavenly Father and you will learn to recognize His voice as He speaks to you.  Read His Word and spend time communicating with Him through prayer.  And when you pray, remember to stop talking long enough to listen!

             When you learn to recognize God’s voice, you’ll be drinking in great big servings of JOY!


1 comment:

  1. Oh, Joyce, hearing from God has become such a hard thing for me. I used to hear his voice well, but then I've had a few life changing things happen that didn't work out well and I thought that it was God. Now I find myself so entangled in logic and reasoning - analyzing everything - because I'm trying to get myself out of the mess that I created thinking that I was following God's leading in my heart. I don't see a way forward, I feel such bussy-ness and turmoil trying to figure out a way I don't have an answer for and sometimes I feel like everything I read is exactly what I'm doing wrong and maybe that is why I am where I am. I feel so out of control and I don't know where to begin to settle down. I feel like if I do I will be settling and just drifting through life. Everything I feel and think feels/seems wrong and I have this fierce battle in my heart all the time that I'm wrong and not pleasing the Lord in any way. Then I think maybe that is why He's not talking to me. I used to feel so full of God's power and anointing. I felt God had a plan and we were moving towards it strategically. Then everything became derailed and a mess. It feels like He sees me and knows everything about me, but He's just watching. I feel His presence, but also His 'silence'... Sometimes I wonder if it will change and ever be as powerful as I used to see it in my life... Then I read your post and my first thought is... it's too simple. I must be doing something wrong...
