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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

There's NO JOY in Worry!

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?   You’re not worried about drinking too much are you?

Why do people worry?  We all do it….  Some of us more than others.  But WHY?   Does it help us in any way? As hard as I try, I can’t see anything good that comes from worrying!  Now, keep in mind we’re not talking about being “concerned”. There IS a difference, you know. 

Matthew 6:27 asks the question: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Jesus was teaching that worry is certainly more harmful than it is helpful.  Joyce Meyer says that worry is like sitting in a rocking chair.  It keeps us busy, but it gets us nowhere.

 Many times we find ourselves in a really tough situation. Keep in mind that worrying doesn’t move the hand of God, but faith does!  If we will exchange worry for trust in God, we will see progress. 

Instead of spending your precious time worrying, why not meditate on God’s Word?  Find passages of scripture that lift you up and give you encouragement.  When we focus on edifying scriptures instead of allowing our minds to be filled with anxiety, we will find hope and strength rising up in our hearts.  And THEN, our JOY will return…and we can share it with others!



  1. I've always been such a worrier! I try hard not to be but it's just part of my nature, I'm sad to say. I'll keep trying though!

  2. Cheri,
    It's much easier to TELL someone else not to worry....but not always so easy to do it myself! We will just have to pray for each other and ask the Lord to fill us with "God-confidence" so that we can trust Him in all things!
    I love you!
