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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

JOY on the Other Side of the Storm

Last night a severe storm came through our area.  LOTS of strong wind and rain. Why does it always seems worse in the middle of the night!? Trees were uprooted and blown over. Limbs are everywhere in our yard.  It will take lots of hard work to clean up all the debris. We were without power for about 12 hours. I wanted to complain, but God showed me a whole new perspective. Because of something so dear to my heart, a health issue with one of my grandchildren, I am praising God rather than complaining about the storm.  (Maybe I'll share more of that story later!)

How many times do we find ourselves in the midst of a scary situation...a storm, so to speak?  We fear what may happen and we dread the aftermath.  Yet, when it's all over and the sun comes out, we realize that once again God has protected us and brought us through.  Many times we cannot see God in the storm, but He sure is there!  He blesses us beyond measure by His protection, His intervention in our plans in the form of delays or waking us up in the middle of the night FOR GOOD REASON.  As the song says, "When you can't trace His hand, trust His heart."

HE LOVES US!  He proves it over and over.  Today I feel especially loved due to HIM showing Himself faithful in the middle of a dark, stormy night and looking after my children and specifically this time who needed a Healing Hand.

Father, you have filled my heart with a grateful JOY knowing that You are with us even when we don't know that we're in need.  Thank you for inconveniencing us at times in order to achieve Your best plan for us.  Thank you for your healing hand and the joy of healthy, vibrant little grandchildren.

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