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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Today's Serving of JOY JUICE

Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Ephesians 4 is a power-packed chapter of instruction for those who want to become more like Christ and spread His JOY.

Look at verse 31: Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.

Wow!  That’s a tall order.  Paul first mentions bitterness. When a person becomes offended and doesn’t deal with that offense correctly, it becomes embedded in the heart and soul….and turns into bitterness. If we’re not careful, we can become so inwardly infected with bitterness that we are outwardly affected in our appearance and disposition. Then comes the rage, anger, slander and maybe, even brawling and malice that the scripture refers to.

It’s time for a self-check!  If you find yourself constantly saying negative things about someone who has offended you or upset you in the past, it may be that a root of bitterness is trying to grow inside your heart!  Call The Master Surgeon and repent before Him; then ask Him to rip those destructive roots clear out of your soul.  If we don’t, the root of bitterness will go down deep into the soil of our soul, and eventually we will be filled with bitter fruit.

God, please replace any bitter fruit in our lives with your sweet, JOYful fruit!


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