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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Rejoice in the Savior...ALWAYS!

            Have you had your Joy Juice today?  Be a shining example of joy that radiates!

            Bruce Larson is a favorite source that I like to quote regarding the subject of genuine joy! He wrote: “ ‘Joy is the surest sign of the presence of God.’” The bottom line for you and me is simply this: grimness is not a Christian virtue.  There are no sad saints.  If God really is the center of one’s life and being, joy is inevitable.  If we have no joy, we have missed the heart of the Good News and our bodies as much as our souls will suffer the consequences.”

            Take a quick glance in the mirror.  Do you see a joyful person staring back at you? Or is there a guy or gal with a frown on his/face?  When joy lives in our heart, our “default” expression should be a smile. We may not always feel happy…life throws curve balls sometimes.  God doesn’t expect us to be a phony.  But in the deepest parts of our soul, there can always be joy because we know the Good News of Jesus.

            Rob Morgan puts it this way:  “We may not be able to rejoice in our load, but we can rejoice in our Lord.  We may find no joy in our situation, but we can rejoice in our Savior.
·         To rejoice in the Lord means we rejoice in our unassailable, unchanging relationship with the sovereign Lord and in His qualities, gifts, promises and attributes.”

     Jesus is our example.  He experienced and expressed joy in life.  We can radiate with joy because we know the Good News of Jesus!

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