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Monday, September 28, 2015

Joyfully Saturate Your Day with Prayer

            Have you had your JOY JUICE today? I pray that you have; and that you realize how important prayer is in your daily routine!

             God is such a creative God!  He has made all different kinds of people with different personalities, different looks, different talents, different interests.  But we all have one thing in common.  WE NEED HIM! And each of us has access to communicating with Him through prayer.  It’s up to us to develop a consistent prayer life. Sometimes even devout Christians have a hard time committing to daily time in prayer.

            Let’s not take for granted what prayer is.  It’s a two way conversation between you and God.  In prayer we are to open our hearts to Him, praising His Holy name, confessing our failures, and expressing our needs and desires to Him. Our prayers can be spoken out loud or they can be a silent….a private conversation between you and God.  And remember how the psalmists even sang their prayers?  That still not a bad idea!

            The primary purpose of prayer, according to Chuck Swindoll is connecting with God in order to transfer His will into our life.  It’s co-laboring with God to accomplish His goals.

            So, let’s saturate our day with prayer, releasing our cares and concerns to Him. What a great way to insure that JOY is a part of each and every day!

Make prayer a consistent part of your daily life and you will have joy…even in the midst of the daily challenges.   

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