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Friday, July 25, 2014

Walk Humbly (& Joyfully) With God

            Have you had your Joy Juice today? As you’re drinking it, think about how important it is to walk for your spiritual health!

            Micah 6:8 gives us wise instruction:  “And what does the Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to WALK humbly with God.”

            Walk humbly…..How do we do that?  Humility is a quality of being courteously respectful of others. It is the opposite of aggression, arrogance, boastfulness, and vanity. Rather than, "Me first," humility allows us to say, "No, you first, my friend." Humility is the quality that lets us go more than halfway to meet the needs and demands of others.

            We can walk humbly with God if we’ll always obey the Golden Rule.  You remember that scripture.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Treat people the way you wanted to be treated.  Walk in their shoes!  This is a great reminder of how to walk in His ways so that “it may go well with us”.

            As your go about your walk today, no matter whether it takes you around the block, to your workplace, to school or shopping, remember to walk humbly in His ways by treating others the way you would like to be treated.  Try it!  I believe it’ll add some pep to your step and Joy in your heart!

Humbly and faithfully drink your Joy Juice!  And share a double portion with others as you walk through your day.

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