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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Walk Faithfully and Joyfully

           Have you had your Joy Juice today?  It’s time for your daily serving before you start your walk.

            God commands us to walk faithfully in His ways.  That means we are to obey Him.  To be obedient, we must read His Word to learn what His instructions are. The Bible is the only instruction manual we need to get in shape spiritually.

            Why does God want us to “walk the walk” and not just “talk the talk”?  Because He loves us and wants to bless our faithfulness and commitment to Him.  If you are a parent, just think how good it makes you feel when your child obeys your instructions.  We love them so, and it makes us joyful to see our children doing what we’ve taught them to do.  Sometimes don’t you like to reward a child’s obedience and willingness to do as you have instructed?  God does!

            In Zachariah 3:7 we are told, “This is what the Lord Almighty says: If you will WALK in my ways and keep my requirements, then you will govern my house, and have charge of my courts and I will give you a place among standing.”

            In other words, God always has our best interest at heart.  And He desires to bless His children when we WALK in His ways.

            Join me as we begin our stretching exercises.  We’re going on a JOY WALK today!

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