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Thursday, August 22, 2013

I LOVE YOU! (Joyfully)

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  When you have an intimate relationship with God, you will experience joy abundantly!

            May I encourage you to read the book of Philippians?  I know many of you have read it before, but it’s only four short chapters and would be worth reading and re-reading and then reading again.  Paul is the writer and he was in prison when he penned the words.  However, this short book is known as the book of JOY!?  It’s the most personal and intimate of all the letters he wrote. Over 100 times, we see that he used the words “I”, “me” and “my”.  But not at all in a selfish way! He was passionate about his love for the Lord and openly expressed the depth of his affection.

            Paul wanted the Philippians to know of his love for God…but also his love for them!  He expressed his gratitude often….for them! “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.”1:3   “I have you in my heart” 1:7  “I long for you all.” 1:8

            Do you think that Paul had found the key to joy?  It’s obvious that he loved God first and foremost….and that he loved his fellow Christians.  Intimacy is the “action” of love…teaches Dr. David Jeremiah.  What do you do to show that you love the Lord?  Does your heart overflow with gratitude and thanksgiving for the relationships God has given you?  Do you openly express your love for others? 

Unexpressed love is useless.  Let’s find ways to show people that we genuinely care. 

 Today, I'm thanking God for YOU!  By the way…I LOVE YOU and you bring me JOY!

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