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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Allow God to JOYfully Order Your Steps

          Have you had your JOY JUICE today?  Pace yourself and drink in the joy of knowing that you and God can make this day really count!

            Do you find yourself racing through the day to pack everything into your busy schedule?  OR do you pace yourself by asking God to help you prioritize and show you what HE wants you to do today?  We all have obligations and responsibilities that have to be attended to on a regular basis, but are there some things that God may truly want you to release so that you will have the time to serve in the way HE wants you to!

            Mickey Mantle once quipped, “If I had known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.”  Anyone identify with that?  I think as we get older, we see the truth in that bit of humor. Taking care of ourselves includes finding the proper “pace” that we can handle, physically and emotionally.  It involves depending on God to show us what is truly HIS best for us and moving forward as He leads.  

            Psalm 37:23 tells us that : “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.”  So the question we must ask ourselves: Are our steps truly “ordered by the Lord”.  Do we seek His direction and then obediently follow?  Often we are busy, busy, busy doing all kinds of good things!  We may even be receiving praise and accolades from our fellow man.  But if we are not walking in the steps of Jesus and following the direction of our Heavenly Father, then we are not making each day count for Christ.

            Let's ask God to help each of us delight in our way by allowing Him to JOYfully “order our steps”.

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